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Citation Helper - MLA, APA, Chicago, & NoodleTools

This guide includes information about citing your sources, including MLA, APA and Chicago / Turabian citation styles.

Chicago (Turabian) Style - Print Sources

Notes-Bibliography Style



One author

(Turabian 17.1.1)

Fairbanks, Carol. Prairie Women: Images in American and Canadian Fiction. New Haven:  Yale University Press, 1986.

Two or more  authors

(Turabian 17.1.1)

List all authors, no matter how many there are.

Davidson, William R., Daniel J. Sweeney, and Ronald W. Stampfl. Retailing Management.  6th ed. New York: Wiley, 1988.

Anonymous book

(Turabian 17.1.1)

New York Public Library American History Desk Reference. New York: Macmillan, 1997.

Anthology or compilation

(Turabian 17.1.1)

Feldman, Paula R., ed. British Women Poets of the Romantic Era. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.

Work in an anthology

(Turabian 17.1.8)

Shutte, Nancy, and Laura Tangley. "Problem Drinkers Can Learn Moderation." In Addiction: Opposing Viewpoints, edited by Jennifer A. Hurley, 93-100. San Diego: Greenhaven, 2000.



Magazine articles

(Turabian 17.3)

(Do not abbreviate names of months.)

(The first article below is from a weekly magazine; the second is from a monthly magazine.)

Mathews, Jay. "How to Build a Better High School." Newsweek, May 16, 2005.

Wright, Karen. "The First Earthlings." Discover, March 2003.

Journal article

(Turabian 17.2)


(There is no distinction made between journals with continuous paging and those with issues paged separately.)

Cnattingius, Sven, Anna Torrång, Anders Ekbom, Fredrik Granath, Gunnar Petersson, and Mats Lambe. "Pregnancy Characteristics and Maternal Risk of Breast Cancer." JAMA 294, no. 19 (November 2005): 2474-2480.

Albada, Kelly Fudge. "The Public and Private Dialogue about the American Family on Television." Journal of Communication 50, no. 4 (Autumn 2000): 79-110.

Encyclopedia article

(Turabian 17.5.3)

(Encyclopedia articles are not generally included in a bibliography; they are cited only in notes.)

Newspaper article

(Turabian 17.4)

(Newspaper articles are not generally included in a bibliography; they are cited only in notes.)