Research the Great Depression and the impact on the citizens of Alabama. Make connections to TKAM.
Task Checklist - use this list to stay on track, check in with your teacher, and remember what to do.
List of Groups - check this list to see who is in each group and what they are doing.
How to import a book citation using an ISBN - If you are citing a book or other non-periodical source (e.g., magazine, newspaper, journal, etc.) in NoodleTools, use WorldCat (a global catalog of library collections) to import the source information directly into your NoodleTools form. NOTE: this may not work for all books and be sure you have the title with the proper copyright dates, as books get re-published over the years and come in a variety of formats.
How to cite a book from scratch - a (3:48) video screencast. NOTE: this video was created before the July 2021 NoodleTools updates, but the information is still relevant.
Brittanica School - Great Depression (for at-home use: Access ID: school Passcode: table)
This database provides citations, however, you will need to use the "Quick Cite" feature in NoodleTools to export the source to your NoodleTools project
Gale In Context: U.S. History - Great Depression (password for at-home use: bears)