Read Just Mercy (YA edition) by Bryan Stevenson and prepare to share parallels with TKAM.
Task Checklist - use this list to stay on track, check in with your teacher, and remember what to do.
List of Groups - check this list to see who is in each group and what they are doing.
How to import a book citation using an ISBN - If you are citing a book or other non-periodical source (e.g., magazine, newspaper, journal, etc.) in NoodleTools, use WorldCat (a global catalog of library collections) to import the source information directly into your NoodleTools form. NOTE: this may not work for all books and be sure you have the title with the proper copyright dates, as books get re-published over the years and come in a variety of formats.
How to cite a book from scratch - a (3:48) video screencast. NOTE: this video was created before the July 2021 NoodleTools updates, but the information is still relevant.
About the Author:
Bryan Stevenson is the founder and Executive Director of the Equal Justice Initiative and one of the most acclaimed and respected lawyers in the nation. His memoir, Just Mercy, is the story of a young lawyer fighting on the frontlines of a country in thrall to extreme punishments and careless justice. It is an inspiring story of unbreakable humanity in the most desperate circumstances, and a powerful indictment of our broken justice system and the twisted values that allow it to continue.
Nobel Peace Laureate Desmond Tutu has called Stevenson “America’s young Nelson Mandela.” His work on individual cases has generated national attention and his efforts have reversed death penalties for dozens of condemned prisoners. EJI recently won an historic ruling in the U.S. Supreme Court holding that mandatory life-without-parole sentences for all children 17 or younger are unconstitutional. Stevenson’s remarkable twenty-minute TED Talk on the subject of injustice has been viewed over 4 million times on the TED website and over 700k times on YouTube; The New Yorker named it one of five essential TED Talks.