I-Search Project Description & Rubric - Refer to your teacher's assignment to keep track of what goes into the project. Follow it closely to ensure you include all requirements in your final project.
Use NoodleTools to properly cite all images, database articles, websites, personal interviews, etc. Essentially, anything that is not your own words, thoughts or work must be cited.
Rubric for I-Search Project - Periodically revisit the rubric (p. 6 in project overview - also linked in first line above) to ensure you are meeting the highest standards for your research, writing, documentation of sources, mechanics and formatting. The five-part guideline is separated out and indexed in the box below.
In this section write everything you know about the career field, college, or technical school you are researching. Include information you believe to be true. Tell what you want to learn; predict what you will find. Ask questions. These questions will lead you to those sources that will answer your questions. These questions will drive your search and will guide you through your research journey. Start by discussing yourself. Explain who you are, what you want, and why you are researching this particular career.
(1-2 paragraphs)
If you know someone in your selected career pathway you may interview them. It'll give you a great primary, first-look at that career
Template to draft your response
What are the requirements of your job?
What is the outlook for this career?
What are the benefits for this career?
What are the physical demands?
Any potential advancement within in the field?
What education and/or training required?
What is the starting salary?
What is the potential income?
Do you need any special skills?
What are the college requirements/recommendations?
(1-2 pages)
Now that you are finished researching and have found answers to your questions, what do you think? Can you make a VISION board now?
You will need to cite your sources in two ways:
You will need to carefully document ALL SOURCES you use throughout your I-Search process in order to complete this task correctly.
From day one, you need to keep a list going of all Internet sites, all reference materials, all people you interview, and any other media sources that you use.
Use NoodleTools to cite the sources you used for your research!
Citation Helper LibGuide: MLA, APA & Chicago - This guide includes information about citing your sources, including MLA, APA and Chicago / Turabian citation styles.