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Culture Fesitval Project : Home

This LibGuide will assist Ms. Kenney's sociology students in their efforts to find digital and print resources for the Culture Festival Project, as well as provide instruction on how to cite sources and use various digital presentation platforms.

Your Assignment & Rubric for Grading

Guidelines & Rubric for Culture Festival Project  ​- This is your guide to what goes into the project. Follow it closely to ensure you include all requirements in your final project. Periodically revisit the rubric to ensure you are meeting the highest standards for your research, writing, documentation of sources, mechanics and formatting. 

NOTE: You are required to use NoodleTools (see NoodleTools Links box in this guide) to create a list of your sources cited in APA style Please use NoodleTools to properly cite all images, database articles, websites, personal interviews, etc. Essentially, anything that is not your own words, thoughts, or work must be cited whether you use direct quotes or paraphrase.  You may also use NoodleTools to take notes and create an outline for your project (optional).

APA Citation Style Resources

Citation Helper LibGuide: MLA, APA & Chicago - This guide includes information about citing your sources, including MLA, APA and Chicago / Turabian citation styles.


How to Avoid Plagiarism LibGuide

How to Use This Guide
This LibGuide contains information and resources for faculty and students to learn about plagiarism and how to avoid it. Click on the tabs to find various resources that will help you understand what plagiarism means and tips on avoiding plagiarism. If you need help, please contact your teacher or Library Media Specialist. 
What is Plagiarism?
According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, to "plagiarize" means:
  • to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own
  • to use (another's production) without crediting the source
  • to commit literary theft
  • to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source

In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.

Source: sponsored by Turnitin

NoodleTools Basics

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