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SS MWH Research Paper: Rubric Final Research Paper

Research Paper Rubic

2020-2021 Modern World History Research Paper Rubric



Highly Effective


Not Effective

Not Present


Develop a defensible thesis in response to the essential question. Identify multiple claims as part of the thesis. 

The claim is precise and thoughtful and clearly outlines major reasons to address the topic.

The claim takes a clear position on the topic and outlines the major reasons used to address the topic.

The claim is identifiable, but may not outline the reasons or the included reasons are weak.

There is no thesis/claim given in the paper.

Evidence from Sources 

Does the student use and cite the sources in support of the thesis?

Student uses at least five sources. Student properly cites sources using footnotes in Chicago Style.

Majority of textual evidence from sources are accurately used. Insightful grouping of sources to corroborate or contradict each other when appropriate. Sources are properly cited.

Textual evidence is accurately used. Some sources corroborate or contradict each other when appropriate. Sources are cited.

Sources are mentioned, but are described and briefly discussed, and some may be inaccurate.  Sources may be partially cited.

There are few to no sources mentioned, most are inaccurate, and they are not cited.

Analysis and Application 


(Evidence - Sourcing Credibility) 



Does the student show logical reasoning? Does the student use sourcing information to analyze meaning, perspective, and reliability? Does the student appropriately address opposing claims?

Exceptionally explains and elaborates the significance and or context of the evidence and how it supports the arguments and the claim. Sourcing when appropriate identifies the most information about the context of the source and uses that information to understand and analyze its meaning, perspective, and reliability to strengthen the argument. Acknowledges and effectively rebutes opposing claims and conflicting evidence by pointing out limitations or by making concessions or refutations over the course of the paper. Effectively uses few quotations to further the argument and quotations are integrated and explained in the paper.

Explains and elaborates the significance and or context of the evidence and how it supports the arguments and the claim. Sourcing identifies information about the source’s origin and attempts to use this information to support the argument by considering meaning, perspective, and or reliability. Acknowledges and addresses opposing claims and some conflicting evidence over the course of the paper.  Uses few quotes to support the argument and explains purpose for quotes in the paper.

Attempts to explain the significance and or context of evidence and how it supports the claim but analysis is unclear. Sourcing when appropriate sometimes identifies the origins of sources , but does not yet use the information to demonstrate and understanding of the meaning, perspective, and reliability of the sources themselves. Does not acknowledge and opposing claim or conflicting evidence. Uses quotes without supporting their purpose in the paper.

There are no attempts to explain the significance or put the argument within its correct historical context.  The information is confusing and does not support the argument. Either uses quotes which are irrelevant and unsupportive to the argument.

Historical Context

Does the student contextualize arguments using historic content specific language? Historical information is substantial, accurate, and interwoven in support of the argument. Relevant content vocabulary is interwoven into the argument.

Relevant historical information is substantial, relevant, accurate, and interwoven to support the argument. Use of relevant content vocabulary is accurately interwoven in the argument.

Relevant historical information is accurate and supports the argument. Contains accurate and relevant content vocabulary. 

Little relevant historical information is included. May not connect to the argument or may contain fatal errors. Use of content vocabulary is attempted, but may not be accurate or may not support the argument.

No relevant historical information is included.  Contains many fatal errors in argument and content use.  Does not use any relevant historical vocabulary to support the argument. 

Organization and Grammar

Does the student write coherent claim/thesis, body paragraphs, and conclusion? Does the student use language appropriate to the audience, purpose and context?

Maintains a formal tone throughout and there is excellent control of language techniques and sentences. Transitional words and phrases are used fluidly and elegantly to connect ideas. Few to no grammatical errors in usage, spelling, and punctuation. Paper includes an introduction, thesis/claim, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Maintains a formal tone with minor inconsistencies. There is good control of language techniques and sentences. Transitional words and phrases are used logically to connect ideas. Some errors in grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation, but these do not interfere with meaning. Paper includes an introduction, thesis/claim, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Tone is informal and inconsistent and or language/ sentence formation is unclear and difficult to understand. Traditional words or either missing or sometimes used incorrectly. Many grammar usage, spelling, punctuation errors make the paper difficult to read and understand.

Paper not turned in.