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Frederick County Public Schools
Health I Resources
Unit 4: Substance Abuse
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Health I Resources
Unit 2: Mental Illness
Unit 4: Substance Abuse
NoodleTools and Citing
Unit 4 Benchmark Assignment: Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse Notetaking Sheet
Recommended Search Terms
Drinking Age
Adult-Use cannabis
Tax revenue alcohol
Tax revenue cannabis
Cannabis Industry
Alcohol Cannabis (search them together)
Recreational Marijuana
Lowering drinking age
Marijuana tax
Cannabis Law
Minimum drinking age laws
Raising alcohol taxes
Underage college students
Research Databases and Recommended Websites
Health and Wellness in Context
An “in-context” database that covers many current day health topics. This is an excellent resource for Health I and II.
Gale Opposing Viewpoints-in-Context
A database that examines current hot topics - including substance abuse.
Issues & Controversies
Consider searching "marijuana and age" or "drinking agie."
U/N: fcpsmhs, P/W: knights
SIRS Knowledge Source
U/N: fcpsmhs, P/W: knights. Make sure to adjust publication date on the left-hand side to the past 1-2 years.
Gale Science-in-Context
A database covering a variety of science topics, including current issues with alcohol and marijuana.
P/W: knights
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
NIH's alcohol portal - look in particular at the "Alcohol Facts & Statistics" on the right-hand side.
CDC: Alcohol Portal
Highlights topics such as binge drinking, drinking and driving, underage drinking, and alcohol and pregnancy.
CDC: Marijuana and Public Health
Discusses topics such as health effects, data and statistics, and what the CDC is doing.
NIH: Cannabis (Marijuana)
Provides a number of links to drug facts and statistics as they relate to marijuana.
Unit 2: Mental Illness
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