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FCPS Teacher Copyright and AUR information: Why Should I Worry About Citing My Sources

This guide reviews copyright and acceptable use of technology for FCPS staff. Many schools are mapped to this guide.


Board policy and regulation state that teachers will follow copyright and fair use guidelines.  Copyright and Fair Use requires a person to cite their work, unless they created it. This includes images, ideas, and text.  Citing our sources sets a good example for our students, because they do notice when teachers "borrow" other people's work without giving credit.

Citing Sources Resources


The county purchases NoodleTools (available on the media website for students and under Drive for staff). It allows staff and students to create citations, store them in a "project", devise notecards that encourages paraphrasing, using an outline, annotating, and create a works cited page. Please see your media specialist for more information about this great tool.

Click Here for a resource guide to using Noodle Tools


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