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American Women Writers Project

In this guide you will find lists of authors, books, and other digital and print resources to complete the English 11 American women writers project.

Wikipedia: Academic Use

Wikipedia is not a reliable source for academic writing or research. Wikipedia is increasingly used by people in the academic community, from freshman students to distinguished professorship, as an easily accessible tertiary source for information about anything and everything, and as a quick "ready reference", to get a sense of a concept or idea.

However, citation of Wikipedia in research papers may be considered unacceptable, because Wikipedia is not a reliable source.


NOODLETOOLS CITING TIPS - use the following templates in NoodleTools when citing these types of sources from the links below: 

  • Photos - WEBSITE > PHOTO or ILLUSTRATION for photos created before year 2000

  • Photos - WEBSITE > PHOTO or IMAGE (born digital) for photos created after year 2000

  • Blogs - WEBSITE > BLOG

  • Biographical information - WEBSITE > WEBPAGE

Google Advanced Search for Websites & Images



Narrow down search results for complex searches by using the Advanced Search page. For example, you can find sites updated in the last 24 hours or images that are in black and white.

Do an Advanced Search

  1. Go to the Advanced Search page.
  2. In the "Find pages with" section, enter your search terms.
  3. In the "Then narrow your results by" section, choose the filters you want to use. You can use one or more filters.
  4. Click Advanced Search.
Tip: You can also use many of these filters in the search box with search operators.