Use NoodleTools to cite the sources you used for your research!
There are two ways to get the citation of an article from a database onto your NoodleTools project:
On the Projects screen, click New Project.
On the Create a New Project screen, provide information about the project:
1. Enter a Project title. Enter a brief description that will help you remember the contents or purpose of this project when you see it later among other projects in your account.
2. Select a Citation style. Ask your teacher or instructor before choosing between MLA, APA, and Chicago. You will be able to change the style later if you need to, but since the data required to cite a source in one style can be different in another style, it is always best to start with the citation style your teacher is requesting.
3. Select a Citation level. NoodleTools allows you to select between three levels: Starter, Junior and Advanced. These are intended to roughly correlate with a student’s grade level:
4. Click Submit to create your new project. if you change your mind, click “X” in the upper right corner to return to your Projects screen.
When you open your new project, the first screen will be the Dashboard. See the NoodleTools Help Desk tutorial “How to use the Dashboard.”