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Power of Discovery: English 9 Project: Home

Considerations When Selecting a Book

  1. Take your time on book selection day. There are many options. If you spend the time looking through them, you'll find one that strikes your interest. 
  2. Consider your reading preferences. There are many eBooks available, but if you are someone who prefers having the physical text in front of you, consider the books in the MHS and the larger FCPS High School library catalog.  
  3. All books on the lists in the Book Selection tab meet the criteria for the project. The expectation is you choose one from the lists.  
  4. Fill out the GOOGLE FORM once you have selected a book and checked it out. 


For this Term 4 assignment, you will self-select a nonfiction text to read. 

This book will be about a person or a discovery - someone or something that has made an impact on the world - and that impact may be positive, negative, or both! The impact may be large and noticeable, but it also might be something or someone that made an impact in a small but meaningful way. 

The final product will be one in which you promote this person or this discovery as something worthy of the world's notice. You will learn more about the final product at the end of the reading period.