Save the Environment, Save the World!
You are put in charge of creating a Modern Day PSA about one of the major environmental issues currently impacting the world.
Explore this LibGuide to learn about a variety of topics and choose one to create a Modern Day PSA. Topics Include:
Climate Change
Habitat Destruction
Invasive Species
Overexploitation of Resources
Overpopulation of Humans
Once you select your topic, find out the following information:
Who, what, when, where, why (These are the journalist 5Ws; you could add How too!)
Before and after- what was the natural habitat before humans messed it up,
and what was it like after
Cause of change in habitat- what did humans do to cause it?
Benefits to humans (Why did this occur? What did humans need?)
How to Keep Track of Your Research
Use the Resources on this Libguide to find the information for your project.
Keep track of your research by making a copy of this Google Doc. You will be required to turn in this Doc on Schoology so make sure you name the Doc Environmental Literacy Research Sheet-Last Name so that you can easily find it to turn in.
You will also need to complete this MidPoint Conference Document before meeting with Dr. Cousins to report on your progress.
Design a solution: Research possible solutions. Choose 2 to compare or design your own solution to compare to what you find. Your job is to choose the best solution and explain why it is the best in a video and advertisement for Social Media.
Things to consider:
What are the tradeoffs (pros and cons)?
(For example- not using fossil fuels reduces CO2 levels, but then we can’t drive)
What are the constraints?
Who has to implement it? How easy will it be?
What will it cost? Who will pay for it?
Who will be affected by it?
How effective will it be? Is it a long term solution?
These are guidelines. Every problem is different, and your design will be unique. Think through your problem and your design, and think it through from the viewpoints of who will be affected- the wildlife, the scientists, the government, and the local people.
You need to create an advertisement for your solution using Adobe Spark. You also need to create a video or videos using one of the following options:
If you use TikTok or Snapchat to create your videos, you need to make sure you download the files so that you can turn them in on Schoology. Also, given the shortened format of these platforms you will need to create multiple videos to to answer of the questions.
Your Video or Videos must inclue:
Title: should let the reader know what the problem is
Background Information
A comparison of 2 solutions, including tradeoffs and constraints