Once your topic (see list below) is assigned, you will research the topic using the databases provided in this guide. If you would like at the full list of Catoctin databases, click HERE.
With your research, you will be required to
A few notes:
This project has four tasks:
1. Research your term and take notes in the notecard feature in NoodleTools.
2. Cite your sources in NoodleTools.
3. Create a Google Slides presentation that only has images (except for the title page the source citation page). Record a video in which you present the the research through your series of slides in your presentation. Use any of the following tools:
4. Write two multiple choice questions based on your presentation.
Thomas Becket Giovanni Boccaccio Canterbury Cathedral Canterbury (the village/town) Caesarius of Heisterbach Hagiography Pilgrimages (Definition of/in the Middle Ages) Tabard Chainmail French Fabilau Friar Prioress Yeoman Guildsman Haberdasher |
Alchemy The Crusades 14th Century Food 14th Century Leisure Activities Ellesmere Manuscript Psalteries Geoffrey Chaucer Eleanor of Aquataine Richard the Lionhearted Medieval Attitudes towards/about Women Boethius Medieval Medicine Medieval Universities (specifically in Great Britain) Courtly Love (14th Century/Medieval Times) History of Jousting/Jousting in the Middle Ages |
Aungst - Block 4 Sign up (Spring 2021)
Merkson - Sign up (Spring 2022)