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[COVID-19 Project] World Food Prize: Global Challenge: Explore Solutions

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Watch the following videos to better understand the Engineering Design Process:


Design a solution using the Engineering Design Process


Step One: Define your problem (5 mins)

Be specific, use evidence from your research as support


Step Two: Brainstorm possible solutions (10 mins)

Write down all possible solutions you can think of, even if they seem extreme or not possible.


Step Three: Consider Criteria/Constraints (5 mins)

Evaluate the possible solutions based on the success criteria, constraints, and the engineering design process. Select one solution to focus on.

  • Successes (what should a solution have to be successful?; at least 3)
  • Constraints (limitations or any factors that limit or restrict a solution; at least 2)

Ask these questions:

  • Think about who would be the one to implement the solution.
  • What will it cost?
  • Who will pay for it?
  • How effective will it be?
  • Is it a long-term solution?
  • Does it solve one problem but create a new problem?
  • Will any new technologies be required to implement your solution?


Step Four: Design a Solution (15 mins)

Draw/design your proposed solution.

Every problem is different, and your design should be unique. Think through your problem and your design, and think it through from the viewpoints of those who will be affected - the government, the local people, the environment, the world, etc.


Step Five: Feedback (10 mins)

Share your proposed solutions with someone at your table and get their thoughts and feedback.