Black/African American Author Project Description & Rubric: for Sherman's English 11, Corridon's English 11 and Twigg's English 11 - This is your guide to what goes into the project. Follow it closely to ensure you are meeting the highest standards for your research, writing, and documentation of sources. Please use NoodleTools to properly cite in Modern Language Association (MLA) style all images, database articles, websites, etc. Essentially, anything that is not your own words, thoughts or work must be cited.
In this guide you will find materials that are written by Black/African American authors, but also materials about Black/African American authors. There are several academic books that focus specifically on African American literature, and in these you'll find more complete lists of authors that this guide might be missing.
Rather than splitting the authors by genre, I have split them by century.
Obviously this list isn't exhaustive, so if you feel that there are authors that should be included, please feel free to Schoology message or email me at
I will be adding more titles as time permits.