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MHS Drug Research Resources: Citing Your Sources with NoodleTools

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NoodleTools Guide

Citing in Noodletools

The following videos and Google Docs explain

how to cite various databases and websites in NoodleTools: 

Below is a short video on how to cite any article from a GALE database (High School-in-Context, Opposing Viewpoints-in-Context, Gale eBooks/Virtual Reference Library): 

Here are the written-out directions


Below explains how to find the source citation for articles on Britannica:

Here are the written-out directions


Below explains how to find the source citation for articles on SIRs Issues Researcher

Here are the written-out directions


Below is a video that explains how to cite a website (take a look at the recommended websites on the Reliable Web Resources tab): 

Here are the written-out directions

Help from Your Librarian

Ms. Mills is always happy to help you!


In Person - during library hours, 
       7:20 a.m. - 2:45 p.m., Monday - Friday

  Or Sign Up for STEP in the Library (before 9:00 a.m.daily)

  240-236-8098 - during library hours

  By Email -

Exporting Source Citations to a Google Doc

See below for how to export your source citations to a Google Doc or a Word Doc. Make sure to check over your citations before you do; double check that everything has been cited correctly from the databases (the citing tools are never perfect!).