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Leadership Research Project: Research Databases

This LibGuide provides the resources needed to complete the Leadership Paper required for all Leadership II students prior to completing the course. Papers receiving a C grade or higher will be submitted to Phi Theta Kappa for review.

Wikipedia: Academic Use

Wikipedia is not a reliable source for academic writing or research. Wikipedia is increasingly used by people in the academic community, from freshman students to distinguished professorship, as an easily accessible tertiary source for information about anything and everything, and as a quick "ready reference", to get a sense of a concept or idea.

However, citation of Wikipedia in research papers may be considered unacceptable, because Wikipedia is not a reliable source.

Databases @ OHS Library

Tips for Database Searching (College of the Siskiyous) - Searching for articles in a library database is different than searching with Google. Here are some tips to get you started.


The Web vs. Library Databases (Arizona State University) - Explains how the two resources are different and why you should use databases for research.





Use this database to find articles, images, videos, and websites. This database provides citations, however, you will need to use the "Quick Cite" feature in NoodleTools to export the source to your NoodleTools project.

For remote access:   Access ID: school   Passcode: table


Use this database portal to search across 23 Gale databases at once. You will gain access to academic journals, books, news, images, videos, and audio files. Here's how to export Gale database citations to your NoodleTools project.


For remote access:  Password:  bears



Use this database to find full-text articles on social, scientific, health, historic, economic, business, political, and global issues. This database will export citations to your NoodleTools project using the same export methods for Gale databases

For remote access: Username/ID: fcpsohs Password: bears